Pinedjem II and his full sister Isetemkheb D.Psusennes I and his full sister Mutnedjmet.Ramesses IV and his half-sister Duatentopet.Nubkhaes and her half-brother Sobekemsaf.Senusret II and his sisters Khenemetneferhedjet I, Nofret II, Itaweret, and Khenmet.Senusret I and his half-sister Neferu III.Mentuhotep II and his full sister Neferu II.Pepi II Neferkare and his half-sisters Iput II and Ankhesenpepi III.Djedefre and his full sister Hetepheres II, who was previously married to her half-brother Kawab.Djoser and his half-sister Hetephernebti.Tutankhamun and his half-sister Ankhesenamun.Thutmose II and his half-sister Hatshepsut.Thutmose I and his half-sister Ahmose.Amenhotep I and his full sister Ahmose-Meritamun.Seqenenre Tao and his full sisters Ahhotep I and Sitdjehuti and his half-sister Ahmose Inhapy.Ahmose I and his full sister Ahmose-Nefertari and his half-sister Ahmose-Henuttamehu.Menkaure and his full sister Khamerernebty II.Merneptah and his full sister Isetnofret II.Smenkhkare and his half sister Meritaten.Macareus (son of Aeolus) and his full sister Canace.Aphrodite and her half-brothers Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus.Demeter and her full brothers Zeus and Poseidon.Zeus and his full sisters Hera and Demeter.

Amaterasu and her full brother Tsukuyomi.King Arthur and his half-sister Morgause.Mashya and Mashyana in Zoroastrian mythology.Nüwa and her full brother Fuxi, in Chinese mythology.List of coupled siblings Religion and mythology Thus, many cases of sibling incest, including accidental incest, concern siblings who were separated at birth or at a very young age. Children who grow up together do not normally develop sexual attraction, even if they are unrelated, and conversely, siblings who were separated at a young age may develop sexual attraction. Innate sexual aversion between siblings forms due to close association in childhood, in what is known as the Westermarck effect. Sibling marriage was historically practiced in ancient Egypt and Inca tribes. Exceptions include Brazil and Sweden in both countries, marriages between half-siblings are legally permitted. Still, sibling marriage is legally prohibited in most countries worldwide. While cousin marriage is legal in most countries, and avunculate marriage is legal in several, sexual relations between siblings are considered incestuous almost universally, regardless of legality. A similar incestuous arrangement which is non-monogamous can be referred as sister-swapping or brother-swapping, although this should not be confused with berdel, which describes the situation in which families exchange brides or bridegrooms. In a heterosexual context, a female partner in such a relationship may be referred as a sister-wife. There are many terms used to describe a romantic bond between siblings, including formal nomenclature such as adelphogamy, specific hyponyms such twincest, or slang terms like sibcest.